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Comentarios (5)

Easter - 14 Septiembre 08:29

fr , Guapa, increíbles curvas con unos precios pechos naturales. Soy muy puta y guarrilla en la cama. Realizo todos los servicios, francés bien saliva

Federico - 17 Noviembre 17:20

Por Óscar Rodríguez Profesores de la Sección 22 de la Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación CNTE , padres de familia y diversas organizaciones aliadas, destruyeron y quemaron propaganda electoral en su advertencia por sabotear los comicios del próximo 5 de junio.

Torruellas - 9 Abril 12:41

Wait, you said in this culture you're only suppose to be sexy after marriage? What year do you think it is? Have you not been keeping up with actual norms and attitudes since the 1940s?В

Strozzi - 12 Augusto 22:38

Really really perfect woman! Very beautifull!

Sharpsteen - 21 Marzo 15:59

Love gay talk call me ! 573-424-7878 men only !

Candie - 9 Marzo 08:46

Lindsey, by that logic, my being attracted to white and Asian women means that I am racist against black and Latina women. That is nonsensical. It's kind of like saying since I'm attracted to women and not men, I'm homophobic. Having a preference for something doesn't mean you believe all else is inferior. I completely disagree with the conclusions you are coming to here.